NaNoWriMo Pep Talk – I hear you're busy…
2013 – November #25
2013 – November #24
Errol: I was able to pick up the present, btw! So all is good. And I got 3000 words written! But not at the overnighter. Nope. I socialized. 😀
The one thing that is sad with me not going to the overnighter all night: no overnight video. I used to make one each year. Someone else should! That’d be awesome!
2013 – November #23
Errol: I hope I can go tonight! At the Geeky Book Swap, my youngest daughter bid on some earrings at the silent auction. But she didn’t win it because my wife gave her a limit. Now, my youngest daughter doesn’t wear earrings, so I was wondering why she was so adamant on doing it. I learned later that she wanted to give it to my eldest daughter for Christmas because she was dying to have them.
So I am going tonight to pick up another pair of earrings, for the person who makes them will be there. I also hope to write today. We’ll see how THAT goes.
2013 – November 22
Errol: It’s friday! Huzzah! And what are your friday plans tonight? Me? I have an interview with Geek Hard for the geek band! I’m crazy excited to be on podcasts!
And also, Rick and Val have a new ML Update! ^_^