2013 – October Prologue #13


Errol: Hah, I guess I know when Rob’s birthday is now. And the thing is, I will have to follow that for the upcoming years. I hope I remember, I’m not good at remembering birthdays. Maybe I should put Rob on facebook so that I can remember his birthday. Ha! ^_^
Victoria: It’s Rob’s birthday! They’re going for pho! …I’ve still never had pho. (I have allergies and I’m not sure what’s in the broth that might kill me.) Shhh. Don’t tell Debs.

2013 – October Prologue #11

Errol: NaNoToons is comic about NaNoWriMo, so I run into a risk of reusing material. I mean, yes, there is the normal freaking out about November, but I can’t make the comic ALL about that every year, can I?
So I have to try and come up with different things! Rob wanting to quit Nano was the thing I came up with this year, not because I wanted to start a controversy, but because I wanted something different. 😀
Man, what will happen in five years time? Will I still be doing these? Will it be taken over by someone else? Maybe I should just focus on getting the rest of NaNoToons drawn and not worry about it.
Good grief, November starts in a week, and the rest of the NaNoToons aren’t done. You know what else isn’t done? Songs. I haven’t written any. *sigh*

2013 – October Prologue #10

Errol: Hmmm, how long has Rob been going without talking about chips? Too long, if you ask me.
Btw, I got a nanomail asking me when NaNoToons was starting up again. Sadly, it’s not on the main site anymore, but I think people want to know about them. I’ve been linking to it but it seems to not be enough.
If you know someone that likes NaNoToons or would like NaNoToons, by all means, tell them! Share! ^_^
Thanks a bunch!

2013 – October Prologue #9

Errol: I try to get to all the comments, but then sometimes you guys comment to the characters, and I feel weird commenting or answering for them. ^_^ Funny thing.
Oh, I also put up Vix’s bio up there, in case you wanted to know. And I made small site changes. If there is any other improvements for the site you can think of, I can try and accommodate!
Victoria: What’s up with Jen’s eyes in the second panel? Who can say!
This is my first comment on the NaNoToons site so WOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I’m pretty excited to have editing powers on the site now 😀
The WordPress interface sure has changed since the last time I used it. It took me longer than I’d like to admit to figure out how to colour this text. But now I’m PURPLE. LIKE A WOMBAT.

2013 – October Prologue #7


Errol: I added Vix as someone who can blurb on these comics, so I figured I should start colour coding myself again! ^_^
Oh, someone noticed that Rob’s hat changed from the plaid colour to the straight red colour back in… I dunno, 2011? The colour of Rob’s hat was a pattern that Debbie Ohi had. And I didn’t have that pattern so it was difficult for me to fill it in. I think 2011 I did all the NaNoToons so I just changed the hat. This sounds like a story where I just get lazier and lazier with each year, but no! I added October cartoons to the mix! ^_^