2013 – November #7

Nanotoons_2013_Nov_07Errol: November 7th! Huzzah! If all goes well, I’m on a plane now! Exciting! ^_^ Oh, and on November the 9th, it’s the Writing Marathon that HQ is planning! So be sure to participate in that! I wish I could. But I won’t even have internet access.

2013 – November #6

Errol: I have a new character, one of the few new characters this year. I figured I would keep it simple, and not go too crazy on how many people I should introduce.
I chose her name from an x-ray technician that x-rayed my foot. I asked her how to spell her name. She probably thought I was weird. 😀
I’m in the process of front-loading all the comics, because I will be on a plane on thursday.
If by any chance you are going to Orycon, by all means, come say hi to me! ^_^

2013 – November #5


Errol: I realize that not a lot of people see this through the website. I mentioned on my twitter that NaNoToons Facebook had surpassed my geek band’s facebook, and I had a few people surprised that NaNoToons HAD a facebook!

NaNoToons doesn’t have a twitter though. I figured that I would use my personal account for that because, well, I think only NaNoWriMo people follow me there anyway.

I did find something cool called Tablo. I think it’s another self-publishing platform, however, there is a NaNoWriMo View! You can see mine. Look how pretty it is! In the bottom left, you can see stats! I like stats. It doesn’t have a way to jump chapters yet, which is good, because I don’t really want you people to read my pantsed novel. I assume length and reams of dialogue is enough to deter people.

I will mention one important thing I added a while ago that is awesome, and that’s Comic-Rocket. It adds navigation to the NaNoToons. Did I mention that made me happy? It made me happy!

2013 – November #2

Errol: Hah, I noticed that you guys are keen! How? When I take a look at the stats, there weren’t as many views in the last few days, of course, that may be because we’re not on the front page anymore. However, I will think of it as you guys not procrastinating! Good on you!
Now, for those that have seen NaNoMusical, we have a small thing for you. It’s not another musical, we had no time for that, but we thought maybe you’d like to see an ML update from Rick and Val.
So we did one! ^_^ Hope you enjoy it!

2013 – November #1

Errol: I realized that I made a mistake in yesterday’s comic. “Hello and welcome the Nanowrimo Kickoff Party!” And none of you pointed it out? You are welcome to, by the way, I don’t mind people correcting me. *laugh* The most viewed comic of this year, and of course I made a mistake. Wouldn’t you know it?
And huzzah! IT’S NOVEMBER 1st! And did I write at midnight last night? No. In fact, I may have gone to bed at 11pm. So much for 1667 words today (gig tonight, no writing for today).
Victoria: I really feel like I should say something inspiring here about Day 1, but AAAAHHH I need to write! EVERYONE GO WRITE. YAY!
However, just to leave you with some music…
[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=3855635810 size=medium bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 t=1]
From the NaNoMusical is this song called November 1st. You can purchase it if you like, since all proceeds go to NaNoWriMo! ^_^

2013 – October Prologue #16


Errol: Allo all! You must forgive me for not getting to comments yesterday, I had a bunch of stuff to do. I know I asked you guys a question, and then didn’t get around to commenting! Gah!
Funny thing, last year I had the comics go up at midnight EST. I didn’t realize that and coincided it with my other comic. It’s much easier that way, because now, it’s past midnight and I didn’t miss it. *laugh*