2014 – October 22

Nanotoons_2014_10_22Errol: You know, I don’t know if anyone else will blog, but I keep putting my name before every entry. Anyway, I learned about Stay Classy a few years ago and I thought that was super cool! You can now have an online page where you can raise money for an organization!
They changed their name to Classy now and you can sign up yourself!
You can set up a Classy account for NaNoWriMo.
You can also set up a Classy account to raise money for Night of Writing Dangerously as well!
Anyway, I’ve decided to update the ‘gaming on the couch’ trope by giving them wireless controllers. Look at me go, keeping up with the times and all. ^_^

2013 – December #2


Errol: And… we’re done for this year. Wow! What a whirlwind of crazy! *laugh* Thank you so much to Vix Anisman-Reiner who edited these nanotoons for me. Thanks to Manda for doing the ML Update videos. Thanks to NaNoWriMo for the awesome. And thanks to all of you for sticking with me! *laugh* I hope you guys have a great holiday season, and I will see you next year! ^_^
If you want, by all means, follow me on the twitter and keep in touch. And if you happen to be geeky, say hi to me on Debs & Errol twitter too!

2013 – December #1


Errol: Good morning all! It’s the 1st December after NaNoWriMo! My TGIO is tomorrow, Monday, so I’ve made the NaNoToons for Monday. That means one more comic. ๐Ÿ˜€
I did make my 50k, Huzzah! And I also had my last gig of 2013! I can take a break!
And finally, the last ML Update from Val and Rick. It’s shorter, so don’t worry, and… honestly, every time I see the end. I laugh. It’s awesome. ^_^

2013 – November #28


Errol: For those that noticed, this comic is also written by Vix who normally edits them. I had another comic done, but she didn’t like it, and I didn’t like it either. I forgot when American Thanksgiving was so I wrote the script without it in there. She suggested this one and it was good! ๐Ÿ˜€
And I CAUGHT UP! HUZZAH! Well, when this comic is released, I’m not, but I am caught up to the proper amount of words and it feels good! ^_^

2013 – November #27


Errol: I have NaNo brain. I sat here staring at the the “Add New Post” button wondering what day it was. And then wondering if I had the comic exported to be uploaded. And then I got distracted by comments in another blog. Good grief. I need to focus. ๐Ÿ˜€ Oh well. Some friends are coming over and we’re going to do a writing session. Good grief, time is running short. ๐Ÿ˜€