2014 – November 9
Errol: Yesterday, Toronto had a coffee shop crawl! I sadly couldn’t go. The NaNoToons did though! ^_^
Errol: Yesterday, Toronto had a coffee shop crawl! I sadly couldn’t go. The NaNoToons did though! ^_^
Errol: Happy Saturday folks! How are you guys doing? I’ve had to buffer a lot because my evenings have been packed. 😀 Debs was nice enough to take yesterdays comic on Debs & Errol though, so that was awesome. My seestair is down this weekend, I don’t know how much writing I’ll be able to […]
Errol: I have these things buffered until Sunday. So I guess that means I need to write some more on the weekend. My seestair is coming down! We’re going to go to one of those live action Escape the Room games. I love those things. I think this will be my fifth one. Hah! ^_^
Errol: Oh, did I say thank you for all the great comics you people have posted? I’ve read all of them and it is making me realize I should put a bigger effort into promoting these comics, because some of you try to find them! Even though I am more of an extroverted one, I […]
Errol: Usually I start the month off slowly and only introduce a few characters. However, the weekend is when all the characters get together for crazy things and already I’ve thrown a chat comic at you. Ah well! I haven’t had a chance to update the bio. Rajni was from last year and may make […]
E: Blargh! I’m so sorry! I thought this was scheduled. Good grief, I really should rethink the whole two daily comics thing in November…
Errol: If you’re wondering why there are all sorts of meetings before NaNoWriMo, I really don’t know. I think it was more of an ML thing and Victoria still helps out from time to time. Or maybe they just like having meetings.
Errol: This weekend I’m at OVFF. My geeky band, Debs & Errol, are there for the whole weekend. There was a banquet as well, so I had to get my suit cleaned. And I will need to get it cleaned again for Night of Writing Dangerously. Rough life, I know, but hey, cleaning suits is […]
Errol: You know, I don’t know if anyone else will blog, but I keep putting my name before every entry. Anyway, I learned about Stay Classy a few years ago and I thought that was super cool! You can now have an online page where you can raise money for an organization! They changed their […]