2012 – November #7

Errol: Most of the socials mentioned are ones we’ve had in my region, but I don’t think we’ve had a sushi social. Mmmm… spicy salmon.
Oh! And here is the 2nd Episode of the NaNoMusical for you to watch! You can catch the first one here if you haven’t seen it yet!
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avarjEfRtSc]
Debbie: I LOVE the 2nd NaNoMusical episode, Errol. Β Dale’s NaNoEmoAngst song is SO deliciously sincere. And Dale and Jill are just SOOOO CUTE together! To all: If you need more NaNoComic distraction, you really should check out the daily comic on DebsandErrol.com (that’s Deb as in Deborah Linden, not me); Errol’s been writing about NaNoMusical recently.

2012 – November #6

Errol: I am updating this from my iPad, because I’m out, and then off to a writing session, I don’t know if I’ll make it home in time for me to upload! There was a five minute window when it was public… Woops.
Edit: Oh crums, it’s an hour early because of daylight savings. Oh well, at least it’s not an hour late. πŸ˜€ And Debbie Ohi, if you are wondering where the original is, and why it’s not in our dropbox, it’s because I coloured it on my ipad and tweeted it too! πŸ˜€
Debbie: Hey, what iPad program did you use, Errol? And by the way, did everyone know that Errol wrote 50,000 words in the first 24 hours of NaNoWriMo?!?? Here’s why and how he did it.
Errol: You’re so funny, Debbie Ohi! πŸ˜€ And I used Sketchbook Pro to colour it in. It allows for layers, AND you can set the layer to “Multply”, so that means I don’t have to worry about erasing black lines! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

2012 – November #5

Errol: I’m hanging about in chat in my local region, and then someone was mentioning they were waiting until midnight. It took me ten minutes to clue in to the fact they were waiting till midnight because they wanted to see the comic. And then I realized, “Hey, I didn’t post it.”
So I madly rushed to put it up! So sorry guys it’s 5 minutes late!
Β Who waits till midnight? I just assumed people read it in the morning!
Oh, and by the way, Happy Birthday KaliaFerret! πŸ˜€
Debbie:Β Great to hear from Bessie, Drew, Paige, Kathrine, Kat, Emaria & others in comments after the last comic, who have been doing NaNo when they were teens (or who ARE teens).
For fellow NaNoRebels out there who are writing picture books in addition to novels: PiBoIdMo (Picture Book Idea Month) registration is open until Nov.7th. Also, aspiring kidlit/YA writers & illustrators should check out KidLitCares, where editors / agents / writers / illustrators are donating talent to an auction for raising funds to help Red Cross post-Sandy relief efforts.

2012 – November #4

Errol: HUZZAH! A New character! She’s in a new city, she has to meet new people! πŸ˜€ And by the way, for those that noticed yesterday, we tag by name. So even though we didn’t say her name, the name was in the tag. πŸ˜€
Debbie: Yay for Fran! Our first teen NaNoWriMo character, SO excited about her first NaNoWriMo.

2012 – November #3

Errol: I am awful for writing sessions. I can’t write with people around, and I want to socialize and talk. So… I do everyone a favour and don’t go. πŸ˜€
Oh, and btw, Debbie, you can change the colour if you are in Visual tab, and you click the button on the far right that has a bunch of squares in it. That opens up the text editing portion. πŸ˜€
Debbie: Thanks for the text editing tip, Errol. Look, I’m pink! I think I’d be ok with writing sessions if other people around me are ignoring me and focusing on their own stuff. I actually do like working in coffee shops, but usually wear headphones & listen to Italian progrock while I write.

2012 – November #2

Errol: This is me and forums, and chat, and email. Actually, if I were to take a break, I’d probably go and nap… and then like Jen, sleep through the whole thing.
Debbie: This is me and social media. I love social media but also find that it’s too easy to trick my head into thinking I’m being productive when I should really be WRITING. πŸ™‚

2012 – November #1

Errol: It’s NOVEMBER 1st! Right now, I HOPE I am currently writing as you are reading this. I took the liberty to give myself a challenge to write for 24 hours on the first day. We’ll see if I make it to 50k or not. I do know that I wasn’t as hopeful as Victoria is in this comic. πŸ˜€
Debbie: Yay for November 1st! What Errol hasn’t mentioned above, by the way, is that he’s also raising funds for NaNoWriMo — so do check out his Author Sponsorship Page. I didn’t know this until this morning, when I found his post on FB. To Errol: You’re writing for 24 HOURS??? ARE YOU CRAZY?? πŸ˜€
I have to admit that I’m a NaNoRebel again this year. Read the rules for being a NaNoRebel if you’re opting for Rebeldom (I know this isn’t really a word, but it just felt too good to type). I’m aiming for 50k but it won’t all be for the same novel, plus some will be on a very detailed outline for my middle grade novel. I’m also doing PiBoIdMo (30 picture book ideas in 30 days).

2012 – October Prologue #15

Errol: This is it, everyone. One more day until Nanowrimo! I’m crazy excited, if not only for this, but for the Nanowrimo challenge I set myself, the new comics, and the musical.
And yes, this may come as a surprise to you, but we are following Victoria on her trek to a new city. I never realized that people may not be expecting that when we wrote the script up at the beginning of the month. Don’t worry, there will be cameos!
Good luck everyone! And if you haven’t checked it out, here’s the first episode of Nanowrimo: The Musical!
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6bun_pBjtE?rel=0]

2012 – October Prologue #14

Errol: This is my seventh year of nano. Throughout that time, I have met a lot of people who had to leave their nano origin to start fresh somewhere else. This whole prologue was for those people. And for the ML’s too (that’s a municipal liaison, if you didn’t know). Their life is always stressful. πŸ˜€

2012 – October Prologue #13

Errol: Tonight is my regions kick off party. It’s crazy, it’s fun, there are so many people that I never see again. πŸ˜€ When is your kick off party? How is it?
Debbie: I’m tempted to go to the kick off party but I have to work! Work or party…SUCH TOUGH DECISIONS!! (to Errol: and hey, how did you get your text to be blue?)