2012 – November #25

Errol: This is Friday Errol posting for Sunday. If all is good, I should be at the overnight writing session now. I bet I’m tired. πŸ˜€ Hope you’re doing ok, future Errol!
Debbie: I’m wishing future (now past??) Errol luck as well. πŸ˜€ Only FIVE MORE DAYS left in NaNoWriMo! How is everyone doing with their novels?

2012 – November #24

Errol: Tim’s a rebel, all this editing he’s doing. πŸ˜€ You can do it Tim! Tonight, we have our Over Night writing session. I hope I can make it. It’s one of my favourite events of Nano! What’s yours?
BTW, I just realized there were comments pending. I don’t know how I missed them. So sorry, for those that didn’t get through… it wasn’t because there was anything wrong with your comment. I think there were a whole slew and it went off the page and I missed it. *sigh*
Debbie: Yay for NaNoWriMo Rebels!

2012 – November #22

Errol: I hope those of you in the US have a great thanksgiving! πŸ˜€ I know, logically, all the characters can’t really be in the same panel, but you know what, we’re just going to go with some poetic license here…
Debbie: Poetic license and NaNoWriMo license. πŸ˜€ And thanks to Tuesday night’s #kidlitchat and @ckpoisonedroseΒ for some of the writer “what I’m grateful for” suggestions. By the way, I have a cartoon caption contest in my PiBoIdMo (Picture Book Idea Month) guest post on Tara Lazar’s blog yesterday.

2012 – November #17

Errol: Starting is still doable! When I first heard about Nanowrimo, I was so pumped I didn’t care how late it was. It’s awesome! If you are hearing about it just now, do it!
Friday night we had our Halfway party and I’m excited because I haven’t had a time to socialize. It will be good to see some Wrimo’s! πŸ˜€