2013 – October Prologue #4

Poor Rob! *laugh* If you’ve noticed, I’ve made a slight change to the style of the comics. This was mainly to make my life a little easier, actually. Before, I would try and match Debbie Ohi’s style, however, she did everything by hand because she’s crazy talented!
I do it all digitally with a mouse. It’s slower than by hand, I think, so I’ve made simpler shapes for me to go quicker!

2013 – October Prologue #1


Hello! And welcome to the first comic for NaNoWriMo 2013! It’s been a hectic week for me because my geek band released our EP ALSO today. Good grief. You’d think I wouldn’t schedule these things all at the same time. Oh well! Fortunately, I have Victoria helping me edit them, so at least the spelling and grammar should be correct!
I am crazy excited for Nano this year, and I’ve got most of October’s comics done. Now… to finish off November’s!

2012 – December #01

Debbie: Edited: Ok, I think my first NaNoToon upload worked, YAY! Thanks so much to everyone for following NaNoToons – it’s been WAY fun reading all your comments. If you want to follow my webcomics, feel free to check out Waiting For BilboΒ (about The Hobbit movie line-up), Will Write For Chocolate and my Inkygirl comics for writers. And do check out I’M BORED, my very first children’s book (written by Michael Ian Black, illustrated by yours truly, recently published by Simon & Schuster Books For Young Readers). Errol will post more when he gets back…
Errol: It’s December 1st. Wow. I can’t believe it. Thank you, all of you, for joining us with comments, and encouragement and just the insanity of Nanowrimo. I hope you guys had as much fun as I did, although I am totally bushed this November. πŸ˜€ I agree with Debbie, I couldn’t keep UP with the comments at all, but thank you so much for them, they totally made my day! And just to let you know, I also do daily webcomics with my band, Debs and Errol. There is less drama there, but I could talk about Debs dating life… πŸ˜€ She’d kill me. Anyway, thanks again, we’ll see you again next year!

2012 – November #30

Errol: On Friday, I promised that I would go out with my family for the evening, and so I won’t even be around for the last day of Nanowrimo to hang with the locals, but I will go to the TGIO. I hope that Debbie Ohi has a plan for the last Nanotoon, I sure don’t. πŸ˜€

Debbie: Ha! Love this strip, Errol. We’ll come up with a plan for the last NaNoToon today! Or maybe one of our readers will come up with a good idea in the comments….

2012 – November #28

Errol: Good grief! It’s the 28th already! Not… that I’m trying to get anyone to panic. Wow, this November has been crazy. And I haven’t done my bills yet either! Not that you want to know that. Anyway, I know you guys are doing great, so stay on target!
And for those that have time in between your writing, here’s the latest episode of Nanowrimo: The Musical!
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnZVN-09muw]
Debbie: Thanks for everyone’s comments about NaNoToons. I may login later than Errol every day (or rather, he stays up way later than I do every night :-)), so I don’t to add my comments until the morning. Anyway, I’ve been enjoying following the conversations, and I’m rooting for you all & your NaNoNovels. And on a side note: YAAAAAY, another NaNoMusical episode!!!

2012 – November #27

Errol: Our overnight writing session has two rooms: one for serious writing and quiet, the other for people like me. And it’s where the food is. The only time I ever went into the quiet room was to go warm up by the fireplace. It was cozy.
Debbie: The bit about Tim falling asleep on the delete key was inspired by one of the conversations in the NaNoToons comments section a couple of days ago, with Tarina and Errol. πŸ˜€