2013 – November #17

Nanotoons_2013_Nov_17Errol: Huzzah! We had this last night. I got rid of a lot of books. And I invited all sorts of bands to play, so exciting! So much geekery!
Whom did we have?


2013 – November #13


Errol: There is a discussion on the forum I remember reading about how NaNoWriMo is a fandom now. Pretty crazy, but awesome at the same time! And yes, there is a musical. Although, all of you know that by now.
Oh, and while were on to fandoms, a close friend of mine does some HP Lovecraft videos. Yup. He dons the persona of HP Lovecraft, (an author), and answers questions that the internet poses to him. And he did one about NaNoWriMo!
Seriously, I’m obsessed about NaNo every November. My poor family.

2013 – November #12


Errol: Allo! I’m back home from my trip to Portland! And I am so tired. I’m so glad I had this comic queued up! Huzzah!
Also, thank you for all the great comments! I was away at Orycon and my internet was spotty so I didn’t get a chance to reply, but I tried to approve as many comments as I could. ^_^
And if you missed it, here’s the latest ML Update vid from Val and Rick!

2013 – November #9

Errol: I couldn’t help myself. Considering we talk about chat a lot in these toons, I eventually had to bring it in. If you ever want to check out a chat, you could check out my Home Region’s Chat! It’s almost to the point that there are as many non-Toronto people there as there are Toronto people.
However, it’s HECTIC. If you think the above chat looks crowded, ours is insane. It’s not my fault though. No… not at all.
(Although, admittedly, I rarely go into chat now.)
OH! And yes! Today is the Writing Marathon Day! HUZZAH!

2013 – November #8


Errol: I’m not a perfectionist, not by a long shot. However, I was really concerned about Jen’s bow being in the right place. Manpans, who wrote the NaNoMusical with me, thinks I’m weird. She thinks I become obsessive about the weirdest things.
Seeing Rob and Dave’s computers also makes me twitch inside, because I know they haven’t been consistently that colour. Well, it is now. Forever more. ^_^
Just to let you know, I’m not manning the site for the next few days. I’m at Orycon, and I don’t think I will have an internet connection. The comics, however, will continue. So don’t you worry.