2013 – November #11 November 11, 2013 errol Errol: Who doesn’t like a healthy dose of competition? ^_^ Poor Jen. And for Commonwealth countries, have a great Remembrance day!
Yeah…I just noticed my closest writing buddy has 40k. Granted, she’s going for a higher goal, but it makes me feel a little pathetic at my measly 23k. Reply
Poor Jen. She seems to spend more time panicking than writing. But glad Rob is doing so well. 🙂 I hope he wins this year! Reply
Go Rob go! ^_^
I love your comics, they make my day
Yay Rob!!!
Go for it Rob!
Oh, yeah!? Well, I’m only at 16920, but my words are better than your words! 😉
Yeah…I just noticed my closest writing buddy has 40k. Granted, she’s going for a higher goal, but it makes me feel a little pathetic at my measly 23k.
Well, you’re both way ahead of me! 😀
I’m only at 14,294!!! NOOOOOO!!!!
14.255 – nooooo, I’m behinnnnnd!!! ;~_~;
But GO ROB GO!!!
I passed 25k yesterday. 🙂
Hahaha. I won NaNoWriMo two days ago. 😉
Everyone’s way ahead of me!!!!! My play just ended Saturday so I’m just over 5k!!!!!!!!
Poor Jen. She seems to spend more time panicking than writing.
But glad Rob is doing so well. 🙂 I hope he wins this year!
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I wish that I had words to spare… 🙂