2014 – November 11
2014 – November 10
Errol: I know some people are sick of selfies, but I’m not. I think today should be #NaNoSelfie day. I shall take one! ^_^ (If you take a #NaNoSelfie, please tag me on Instagram (debsanderrol) or twitter (debsanderrol)!
Oh, the great thing about Kari is that she hasn’t learned all the names yet. So she calls people “That guy with the hat” or “Bald guy”. ^_^ It doesn’t help that I rarely use people’s names. Maybe I should give her a crib sheet. Or we can tweet her the names of characters!
2014 – November 9
2014 – November 8
Errol: Happy Saturday folks! How are you guys doing? I’ve had to buffer a lot because my evenings have been packed. 😀 Debs was nice enough to take yesterdays comic on Debs & Errol though, so that was awesome.
My seestair is down this weekend, I don’t know how much writing I’ll be able to do. Uh oh! Wish me luck. ^_^
2014 – November 7
2014 – November 6
Errol: Oh, did I say thank you for all the great comics you people have posted? I’ve read all of them and it is making me realize I should put a bigger effort into promoting these comics, because some of you try to find them!
Even though I am more of an extroverted one, I don’t really like constantly talking about these things I do. I did ask NaNoWriMo to blog about it, but even then I was thinking, “Nah, I don’t want to bother them.” So, if you are bored, by all means, remind people who like NaNoToons that it’s still going. ^_^
Anyway, thanks for all the great comments! And just in case you missed it, this year I am joined by Kari Maaren, who is also a geek musician with a webcomic. I’m awful at editing, as was made apparent by yesterday’s comic blog where I was operating on little sleep. However, Kari is amazing! If you ever want to read some crazy webcomics, you should check hers out too! ^_^
2014 – November 5
Errol: Hi! Wow, you guys are awesome. Thanks so much for sharing how you learned about NaNoToons! It’s interesting, you know, doing things and I never really know how many people read my comics. Sure I have stats, and whatnot, but I don’t check things that much. I heard about NaNoToons because of Debbie Ohi, the original artist. She asked me to help her and I jumped on the chance to collaborate with her. I really enjoy NaNoToons and this little crew that we have here.
I’m going to talk a little bit about last night because a long time ago, I used to be involved in Brickfilming, where you do stop motion animation with LEGO. There was a small community there and just like any internet community, one got involved and got to know a lot of people. They kickstarted a documentary and they asked me for an interview. I was shocked, and honoured, because I haven’t been in the community for a number of years now. However, it reminded me how much I’ve enjoyed the little online forums and bonds I have made on the internet for the last decade or so.
And the same with the NaNoWriMo community. Even though this is my 9th year, I really do NaNoWriMo more for the community than I do for the book writing. ^_^
Ahem, sorry, I get sentimental when I think about the past. Let’s get back to writing!
2014 – November 4
2014 – November 3
Errol: This happened to me over the weekend. Had a hard time falling asleep on Friday night and I came up with the first few comics for NaNoToons. Did I remember them when I woke up? No. *sigh*
Anyway, you must forgive me for not responding to all of your comments. There aren’t even that many and I just haven’t had a chance to. It’s been a crazy weekend for me, trying to get caught up on stuff so hang in there. I read every one so thank you so much!