2014 – November 2

Nanotoons_2014_11_02Errol: Usually I start the month off slowly and only introduce a few characters. However, the weekend is when all the characters get together for crazy things and already I’ve thrown a chat comic at you. Ah well!
I haven’t had a chance to update the bio. Rajni was from last year and may make it out to a few write-ins. FerretFox only appears in chat because she doesn’t socialize that much.

2014 – October 25

Nanotoons_2014_10_25Errol: Speaking of traditions, I usually base NaNoWriMo social events on my home region’s social events. Thing is, I don’t know what they are this year. I really should just start making some up. Halfway Party Masquerade Murder Mystery Escape the Room Ball! Ha!