2016 – November 15th

Halfway! Huzzah! I hope you guys are doing awesome!
OK! A lot of people keep talking about whom they relate to in NaNoToons, so I shall poll it! You may not know all the characters, but I included them all. I hope. Watch me forget someone. I hope not.
[polldaddy poll=9580250]

2016 – November 13th

Oh bother. I forgot to schedule the comic for today at the normal time. Yesterday, I finally finished all of NaNoToons! Huzzah!
But did I post today’s? No. Blargh.
I also got a chance to write as well. In the end, I only wrote 1000 words. Good grief. I’m writing a non-fiction work, and a lot of research is involved. I don’t plan on winning this year.

2016 – November 12th

Today, I really hope, I get some words in. I won’t be able to catch up, but I hope to get some writing done! We’ll see.
And I haven’t done a poll! So let’s do one about escape rooms. Sure, I could do one about writing, but you’ve probably filled out many polls on writing!
And if you have any ideas for polls, please do tell!
[polldaddy poll=9578045]

2016 – November 11th

Hello, everyone! I hope you are having a good Remembrance Day.
By the way, I like to do crossovers, and I always have my characters go into Kari’s webcomics. In this arc of NaNoToons, they are going into the same Escape Room the characters from It Never Rains goes into.
I didn’t mention it on the off chance someone may have recognized it. It’s pretty obscure though, but you never know! ^_^

2016 – November 6th

Yesterday’s comic went up late and I was suffering from the shake I had so I didn’t get a chance to put the poll up, but I have a poll I can put up now! Huzzah! Did I get them all? Probably not. For cases where I didn’t put, just choose the “random” one.
[polldaddy poll=9571899]