2016 – November 19th

You know, when I write these things, I do take inspiration from people I’ve interacted with. ^_^ It’s bachelor weekend for me. My family is away so I’m all alone. So far, I have about three escape rooms booked, a board game night, and some movies to catch up on. This is why my nano […]

2016 – November 18th

Allo all! Eon commented about the blurbs disappearing under each comment and that was my fault! I think I have it figured out now, so hopefully it won’t happen again (and I will go back and fix all the old comics too! ^_^) Thanks so much for pointing it out, Eon. And by all means, […]

2016 – November 17th

Whoa, this may be one of the few comics where Mel isn’t in it! I mean, there are many years like that, but these two years have been her as the protagonist. 😀 And happy ML appreciation day! Go give them a hug… but ask first to see if it’s ok! 😀

2016 – November 16th

By the way, if you’re looking to do some procrastination, did I mention that I did another webseries with Manpans? I may have! If I have, woops. Sorry. I tend to repeat myself because I’m old. One of the difficult things to do in this webcomic is NOT repeat myself. I keep thinking to myself, […]