2015 – November 20th

When I first did NaNo, I didn’t get a chance to socialize because I started very late and needed to focus on writing. Subsequent years, I made sure to attend as many events as I could! And this year, not one event. *sigh* I hope I can at least make it to the final party! […]

2015 – November 16th

Do you write with anyone? When my kids were younger, I would go into their room and sit with them while they were falling asleep. I had my laptop. and I would write there while listening to whatever kids music they had playing at the time. I got a lot done.

2015 – November 15th

Originally, this was going to be a comic of Tala helping out with the vlog. However, I changed it. I thought I would make it a bit more serious. This is a webcomic about writing, and a webcomic about the creative process. Yes, I have fun doing comics on the silly dynamics of the characters, […]

2015 – November 14th

It’s Saturday. I’m doing an escape room tonight. I really hope I will have time to write and catch up on some NaNoToons. I was almost going to have one character obsessed with Escape Rooms. But I also had a fourth character who still hasn’t been introduced yet. Sheesh, I wonder if I’ll ever get […]

2015 – November 13th

I just realized this is my fifth year doing NaNoToons. Hunh. Five years on NaNoToons and Ten on NaNoWriMo. I’ve been involved for a long time! In the meantime, is anyone else on the FB NaNoWriMo group? It seems I don’t see my posts in there. I posted about ML Appreciation day and nothing. Ah […]

2015 – November 12th

It’s ML Appreciation day today! At least, I hope it is. I hope the calendar I was looking at was correct. I actually inserted this comic two nights ago because I forgot the exact date of ML Appreciation day. 🙂 It’s probably written somewhere on the website. Who’s your ML? Are they awesome? Our ML […]