2014 – October 27
Errol: In case people forgot, Bea and Rob are dating. And No Face costumes are cool.
Errol: In case people forgot, Bea and Rob are dating. And No Face costumes are cool.
Errol: This year, I asked a good friend of mine, Kari Maaren, to help with editing. She’s also a geek musician and we have played together many times. This is all part of my plan to get all the geek bands with webcomics to help me out with NaNoToons! Hah! ^_^
Errol: Hello! It’s the 20th, and here’s the first comic! Huzzah! I don’t have a script for November, and I usually have one now, but that’s ok! It will be just like NaNoWriMo. Heh. And yes, as you can surmise from this comic, the crew is going off to Night of Writing Dangerously!
Errol: And… we’re done for this year. Wow! What a whirlwind of crazy! *laugh* Thank you so much to Vix Anisman-Reiner who edited these nanotoons for me. Thanks to Manda for doing the ML Update videos. Thanks to NaNoWriMo for the awesome. And thanks to all of you for sticking with me! *laugh* I hope […]
Errol: The last day! THE LAST DAY! There WILL be a few more comics, in December, and then… I rest. I may sleep for a week. So stay tuned, and don’t give up on NaNoToons yet!
Errol: Ooooh! Look! NaNoToon’s Facebook is almost to 700! Huzzah! I hope you guys are doing well! Hang in there! Two more days!
Errol: For those that noticed, this comic is also written by Vix who normally edits them. I had another comic done, but she didn’t like it, and I didn’t like it either. I forgot when American Thanksgiving was so I wrote the script without it in there. She suggested this one and it was good! […]
Errol: I have NaNo brain. I sat here staring at the the “Add New Post” button wondering what day it was. And then wondering if I had the comic exported to be uploaded. And then I got distracted by comments in another blog. Good grief. I need to focus. 😀 Oh well. Some friends are […]
Errol: Allo all! How goes your NaNo? I’m… still behind. *laugh* But I’m gaining. I have only made it to two events this year. That makes me sad. I’m crazy social and I love interacting with people. I have, however, booked myself off for the TGIO party. I will make it! I WILL!
Errol: Hah, I’m at 30k now. I think I’m supposed to be at 41666. Have to continue writing! At least I have most of the the NaNoToons drawn.