2012 – November #18

Errol: There are many over achievers out there, and you guys are pretty darn impressive! 😀 Hope you appreciated your ML yesterday on Friday for ML Appreciation day! 😀

15 comments on “2012 – November #18

  1. Got to love Ed, but he would be the one to get under my skin if I had to deal with him. But it’s so sad seeing Tim in such a tough spot, I do hope there will be some happiness for him this month.

  2. Yay! I’m on par with Fran! I love your treatment of the younger writers. I was one, for a long time, 3 years. Now I’m 18. =) Nice job

  3. Errol, your last few blurbs have been climbing the right hand side of the comic- might want to do something about that…

  4. I sympathize, Tim.
    Young writers are the best.
    Now all these people need to move to her old town to be with the old crew.

  5. So, when do we get to see the old crew again? You said that there would be cameos (October prologue #15) but we’re over halfway through the month without a single one. I miss Dave, and Rob, and Jen…

  6. Oooh. I feel special. LOL. I just hit 62k yesterday while hosting a write-in with my wrimos. It was the best way to spend ML appreciation day. We had over two hours of word-wrangling goodness and Peppermint Mochas at Starbucks. 😉 Love this cartoon! Go Fran! And Ed….oh Ed.

    1. I know that feeling… I keep quibbling back and forth between certainty that my plot will run over into December, and certainty that I’ll run out of plot before the end of November…

    1. It’s a SUSHI! ALLLOO! I got someone to update the wiki about Nanomusical! 😀 I wonder if there is a nanotoons section… Is there a section on the wiki called Nano Fandom? Could there be?

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