2014 – November 25

Errol: Tomorrow, I have a guest artist. When I was #NOWD, I just randomly asked someone to do a guest comic and she said yes. HUZZAH! I should do that for every Thanksgiving comic considering I never know how to add Thanksgiving in because I always forget.

2014 – November 23

Errol: Combo Breaker! Yes! I broke the pattern! And no, it wasn’t because people were expecting the pattern. This was written a few days ago. ^_^ And as of today, I only have two more NaNoToons to do! I’m so happy. That means I can work on my novel! And my other webcomic. I got […]

2014 – November 20

Errol: One day, I should just make user accounts for Jen, Rob, Victoria and Dave. That would be fun. I think. Give it a more transmedia kinda feel. ^_^ And yes, I haven’t been using my Kari Maaren card. 🙁 I really should, if only I would get these done earlier than the night before […]