2012 – October Prologue #2

Errol: Dear NanoWorld, I tried.
If you read this comic, you will notice that it has no mention of NaNoWriMo at all. Some of you are new to NaNoToons and have no idea the background. Well, Nano hasn’t started yet, has it? Why don’t you go and read NaNoToons 2011? There are only about 40 of them! Maybe 45.
However, we do try and make the Nanotoons accessible to everyone doing NaNoWriMo and this comic doesn’t really fit the bill. So let me tell you a story.
The year was 2010. I came on as a fledgling cartoonist to help out the immensely popular Debbie Ohi. She was busy with illustrating books or something like that, so I begged her to let me help out and she acquiesced!
And it was a resounding success! I think. I don’t really know, we never kept metrics on it. However, if you get to the end of 2010, you will notice that the toons end a bit abruptly. We ran out of time, and we ran out of plot. And so I ended it with a Still Alive Parody and called it a day.
But it was unresolved; it was unfinished. And I didn’t want it to be! I vowed never to do that again, so when 2011 came along, I wrote up a 15 comic prologue so that people could catch up on their lives and no one would be wondering what had happened with our intrepid Nanoheroes.
And this year is no different. So bear with me, new NaNoToon fans! We will not alienate you!
Wow, this went on longer than I expected. Have a great day and I hope your nanoprepping is going well!

2012 – October Prologue #1

Errol: Hello! And welcome to another year of Nanotoons! We have a whole host of comics in store for you.
I am super pleased that Debbie Ohi is joining me again this year. Last year I was all on my lonesome, and that was difficult! Huzzah for Debbie Ohi!
There will be new things afoot, hopefully, but I have written up a prologue to tie last year to this year. So if you are wondering why Debbie is only listed as the editor in the credits, rest assured! She is writing the script for the month of November as we speak!
For those new to Nanowrimo, Welcome! I hope we can inspire you this year to write more!
Take care and by all means, add me as a buddy.

Welcome to the New Site!

ImageAllo! Errol here, welcome to the new site of NaNoToons. We hope to keep all the NaNoToons in one place this year, along with the archives!
We have all sorts of things planned for this year. Well, actually, I’m hoping Debbie Ohi has all sorts of things planned.
Anyway, if all goes well, we may be able to start early again this year!
Feel free to drop us a comment!