2017 – November 9th

During the day, I recall I wanted to ask a question of you. And then when night comes, I forget what that question was. It’s probably not an even important question, or has anything to do with NaNo. But now, I can’t for the life of me recall what it was. Good grief.

2017 – November 8th

So I’m starting to create a buffer of these. I have up until November 12th completed. And I always get confused what comic we’re on now so when people comment I think “Wait, has that already shown? I don’t know!”   I’m losing it. 😀

2017 – November 4th

I added a new picture of Debbie Ohi and myself on the about page! Huzzah! I wish I remembered when the first pic was taken. Oh, and some people have asked if they could share Nanotoons. By all means, share them! Re-share them! Re-blog them. Post them on twitter, pinterest, instagram, facebook! And tag me […]

2017 – November 2nd

I was kinda dumb. I have my normal webcomic about my life, and I let it go for three days without a comic. So I’ve been trying to catch up on that comic (it’s daily as well) by doing two comics a night. On top of that, I’m trying to do two comics a night […]