2018 – December 1st

Another year is done!! Huzzah! Can you believe it?
I know I said I was going to make some type of infographic to explain this comic, and I didn’t. Sorry.
Congratulations on doing NaNoWriMo! And now that you have time, feel free to catch up on Kari Maaren’s It Never Rains comic.
Huge thanks goes out to her because she edits my stuff. And boy does my stuff need editing.
Thank you to all who joined me in this silly ride, and hopefully, I can catch up with all of you next year!

4 comments on “2018 – December 1st

  1. Well, I did NOT see that coming! Somehow it makes sense though.
    Thanks for another year of comics! They’re one of my favorite NaNoWriMo traditions!

  2. So, this whole year was just Tala’s webcomic? That means that everyone did a Nanowrimo that we didn’t get to see 🙁 Oh well, I suppose they all did well and won, just like every other year, I mean they are Nano pros, right?
    I thought yesterday that the two Talas and the two Mels might just be Jen, Vic, Carol, and Bea in wigs playing a trick on Mel.

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