Errol: Good grief! It’s the 28th already! Not… that I’m trying to get anyone to panic. Wow, this November has been crazy. And I haven’t done my bills yet either! Not that you want to know that. Anyway, I know you guys are doing great, so stay on target!
And for those that have time in between your writing, here’s the latest episode of Nanowrimo: The Musical!
Debbie: Thanks for everyone’s comments about NaNoToons. I may login later than Errol every day (or rather, he stays up way later than I do every night :-)), so I don’t to add my comments until the morning. Anyway, I’ve been enjoying following the conversations, and I’m rooting for you all & your NaNoNovels. And on a side note: YAAAAAY, another NaNoMusical episode!!!
Ahhh, it’s a good night! New episode of NaNoMusical, and I hit 50k about 10 minutes before midnight! I was pushing hard to make it today, with almost 4000 words still needed. I’m really amped up now…
I loved the song with the split screen, with Rick going from frame to frame looking for chips. It was awesome! I’m really looking forward to the last episode (except that it’s the last).
And Errol, I’m in the same boat. I usually take care of the bills for our house, but 2 days ago, my husband asked me if we had any bills due, because he knew we have one or two that come due around that time. Yeah, he was right…time had completely gotten away from me.
50K! HUZZAH… oh crums, you reminded me of bills again. Darn it… I still haven’t done them.

And we love the ‘Argument Song’ as we call it. It feels like a legit musical when there are people singing over each other.
My favorite songs in any musical are usually the ones I can sing along to first. But I do love a good song like that too. I feel the need to mention that I laughed so hard when Rick slapped that “Back in 15 minutes” sign on the wall!
As a side note, I just want to say that you and your various cohorts (involved in the musical, comics, and even past videos across YouTube) have added a whole new dimension to NaNo for me this year. I didn’t do NaNo the last 2 years, so I just discovered all this new (to me) stuff this year, and it’s kept me very entertained while I worked toward the goal.
YAY!! I am seriously such a fanboy of Nanowrimo that I can’t help but get involved in these nano projects.
I do like making people laugh!
Congrats on hitting 50k, Kristi! And I love the split screen song, too.
I love this comic, Errol. I’m going to miss it like crazy! Ed is definitely a lot of fun.
Glad you’ve been enjoying the comic, Dawn.
Ed has got to be one of my favorites. The rest of my favorites include everybody.
LOL, Sabrina!
No, I can’t watch this yet!!!! I’m still in school…….D: I think everyone in my history class knows about NaNoToons though–I tend to scroll and read everything during history class……And people wonder why I’m always so amused at the end of the class…..
Huzzah! I’m glad that you are amused in class! I try to make Manpans laugh during work by texting her silly things.
It’s great when I catch her when she’s chatting with her boss. 
You remind me of my friend Ian. O.O He has this sixth sense of when is the absolute worst time to be hilarious and text me with funny things (aka during last year’s English exam when I still had the Caramelldansen ringtone……..)
Rargh. I was so close to opening up that document, maybe even writing a few words. Really, so close.
But new NaNoMusical! Procrastination, ahoy!
You can do it! Write!
Ed. Is. Evil. XD Bwahaha!
Hee hee! ;D Sounds like something I would do. I have written in people’s novels before, but not without their consent.
Bad Ed. But funny.
Looks like Dale will have some patching up to do in the final episode. On Jill’s behalf I felt like hitting him with a dictionary. Plenty of words in there, Dale! The argument song was great. Looking for chips. Back in 15 minutes. Brilliant!
*laugh* Yes, poor Jill! Dale is going through a lot of stress, we’ll see how he does in E6.
And I love chips.
They were both awesome. Ed is sneaky. What Dale said was soooooo mean! I wanted to cry…. I am so glad I finished NaNoWriMo today, before watching this!
>Errol! Rick reminded me of a crack/nervous eater at the end. It was funny! Btw, Neil G. Tweeted YOU!
Dale has a lot of stress, poor Jill! But… he was honest, I guess you need to share your frustrations with your closest friends.

And CONGRATS on finishing Nano! And yes, when NG tweeted me, I was crazy man.
I think your crazy regardless.
I had, like, barely 18000 words three days ago. Now I have 34280 written. Come on Dale!!!!
Nice catch up!

I’m going to hit 50k tonight, and my plot will carry on for a few more chapters!!!!!!!!! #victoriousnanonewbiehyperness
Huzzah! Stay on Target! :D:D Congrats on your first nano!
I still haven’t seen any of the NaNo musicals. Not because of lack of interest but because my school laptop blocks them and the other computer is broken. As soon as it get’s fixed I’m super excited to watch them!
Huzzah! I hope you enjoy it and had as much fun as us!
…why did I just realize that when I hover my mouse over the comics it says things which have a technical name that i’m not computer-savvy enough to know? …shoot, now I need to go back and look at EVERY ONE…O_O so much for writing tonight. *grins*
Write first! These comics will be here after december!
Same here Anna! But. GO WRITE. I want to read your book.
omg ricklr
Heh, like your email.
I think I may have set my sights too low because I just reached my goal. Well, I’ll keep on typing.
Keep on writing!
Huzzah for goal reaching!
Hey Errol, is that your actual Twitter handle in the video? Cause I’d love to follow you.
*laugh* No, my twitter handle is @elumir
My band handle is @debsanderrol
And the musical handle is @nanomusical
I’m impressed you call it handle…
I’m not sure what this says about me, but I’d follow Rick.
This is the fourth time I have said this, but: This is my favorite episode so far!!
Also, I might be crushing just a teeny tiny squee bit on Rick. Can we have more Rick please? And that reaction to Gaiman’s tweet is exactly the one I would have. The mix of musical styles and appearances from the word war singers is also tons of fun. I love the nanotoons and the nanomusical and they sometimes make my day (especially when at work).
*laugh* I think more rick will drive the others insane.
And I’m glad we can make life at work pleasant!
And have you said it four times? This is the first time I’ve approved you!
I should turn that off…
I love nanomusical! That one especially was hilarious, and the song, in the boxes, with the chips… I can’t wait to see the conclusion (though I’ll be sad when it’s over).
I just noticed that one of the jobs in the credits was TARDIS wrangler. Hmm… I have a mini plush TARDIS above my desk.
Anyway, can’t wait for next Nanomusical, and the rest of the comics!
Excellent this video