2012 – November #22

Errol: I hope those of you in the US have a great thanksgiving! 😀 I know, logically, all the characters can’t really be in the same panel, but you know what, we’re just going to go with some poetic license here…
Debbie: Poetic license and NaNoWriMo license. 😀 And thanks to Tuesday night’s #kidlitchat and @ckpoisonedrose for some of the writer “what I’m grateful for” suggestions. By the way, I have a cartoon caption contest in my PiBoIdMo (Picture Book Idea Month) guest post on Tara Lazar’s blog yesterday.

15 comments on “2012 – November #22

  1. Lol. Love Ed’s pickup line and Mel’s response. They made me smile. It’s also great to see the whole cast together again!
    And happy Thanksgiving to those who live in the US! 🙂

  2. LOL at the “you’re not my type” line. Brilliant! Love it–and glad to see Dave and Victoria back again. Happy Thanksgiving!

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