2012 – October Prologue #4

Errol: How are you guys with your outline? I don’t have one yet. I’ve been doing other things, like this comic. I hope to do a collaboration, (which isn’t allowed) but then I may do a second novel so that I don’t break rules, but we will see how that goes. I did that last year, and it kinda wore me out.

11 comments on “2012 – October Prologue #4

  1. I’m having an easier time doing character arcs first then filling in the story arc. Slowly but surely. It sounds like you’re being a Nano Rebel. 😉

    1. Well, I did the Rebel thing a few years ago, but I don’t really know WHAT I’m doing. *laugh* I guess I should decide on that. The collab is in for sure though.

  2. Good comic! I’ve kinda-sorta got my outline ready. I’m rebelling, doing some scripts and short stories. Good luck in November!

  3. I plan to work on my novel I already have done. I know, I’m a rebel. I need Nanowrimo though to help push me through the rewrites. So I say break the rules!!! Or maybe we can modify the rules for rewrites as that is part of the writing process! Or…. you can go insane from taking on too much and writing that new novel. We pledge to visit you online at the insane asylum! Promise!

  4. Do whatever you want! Rebelling is COOL. It’s the new black. 🙂
    Maybe aim for something a little less intense than an outline? Try just writing a premise (introduce your main character, the conflict, and a hook) and let it guide you as you write. You can also set your milestones ahead of time (opening scene, first plot point, midpoint, second plots point). If you do that, your writing will be kind of like connecting the dots. You’ll still have creative freedom, but there’ll be a loose guide to follow.

  5. Do whatever you want! Rebelling is COOL. It’s the new black.
    Maybe aim for something a little less intense than an outline? Try just writing a premise (introduce your main character, the conflict, and a hook) and let it guide you as you write. You can also set your milestones ahead of time (opening scene, first plot point, midpoint, second plots point). If you do that, your writing will be kind of like connecting the dots. You’ll still have creative freedom, but there’ll be a loose guide to follow.

  6. I’m completely ready for Nao this year! I’ve outlined and re-outlined (5 times, by my count), written back stories for my more important characters, drawn some really horrible pictures of different settings, and a whole hoat of other prep stuff. I’m super psyched for it to begin! 😀

  7. Last year i did not finish my outline and totally bombed. I work at a theater and during a shift in the box office it was so slow and i was so bored I managed to write my inter outline in like 30 minuets o.o i’m going to go over it tonight (my first night to relax since i wrote it 3 days ago) wish me luck! This year I’m positive with my full outline i can make it to 50k with out really really really random words in 😉

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