2019 – Final NaNoToon

First off, thank you.
Just in case you skip this whole post, I wanted to say “Thank you.” There are some of you who have been with me since the beginning, there are some of you who have just started, but you all have been encouraging, and I am so happy if my comics have encouraged you in your NaNoWriMo journey.
Yes, I am retiring this year. This is the final NaNoToon comic.
There are so many people I am thankful for. Debbie Ridpath Ohi was the main reason these started, and she has always been one of my biggest cheerleaders. To her I’m eternal grateful.
I am thankful to Vix, who was an ML during a few of my years. She helped me with a bit of editing, and was one of the very first people I met when I started doing NaNo!
And Kari Maaren has been with me for the longest time, putting up with my horrible grammar, spelling, and too many commas. Check out her webcomic It Never Rains. It’s about time travel! And you can also check out her book, “Weave a Circle Round“, which is also about time travel!
Again, thanks to NaNoWriMo. I got a chance to meet Chris Baty, and he didn’t look at me too strangely. 😀 It’s because of him we’re all doing this!
And also thanks to Grant Faulkner and the whole NaNo team at headquarters. They were very hospitable and fun when I met them during a Night of Writing Dangerously. 😀
Honestly, there are too many to thank, and the whole community of NaNo has been amazing. I will continue being one of NaNo’s biggest fanboys. If you ever get a chance to donate to NaNoWriMo, please do. I shall do so now. ^_^
Will there be a compilation of NaNoToons? I get that question a lot. I will try to get one done before next NaNo. It won’t be something I will make money off of, I hope to donate it to NaNoWriMo to sell if they are so willing! So I’ll keep you posted.
Again, thank you! I hope your NaNo went exceedingly well. Remember, you’re a writer. 🙂