By the way, if you don’t know what Rob is talking about, he’s referring to November 7th.
And sorry this comic was late today. I was sitting around, trying to get some stuff done and then I was thinking, “Wait, did I forget to do anything today? Augh! I didn’t post NaNoToons!”
Wow. Rob has kind of gone meta, or Inception, or something. I get where this comes from and what it refers to, yet I’m still confused. LOL
But I love Tala’s concern about being a side character. 😀
How about a montage about how Jen’s mouth made her look like a fish during the first season she was in. I go back and chuckle every time when I see how she looked at the beginning.
Sorry, was going to put that on the next comic, when they were doing the montage.
Rob’s theory is a little ridiculous, but funny. 😀