
Dear NaNoTooners, (I have no idea what to call you, I’m really tired).
I’m quite sorry, my plane came in later than I thought and I couldn’t get a NaNoToon out in time for today (yes, Pantsing them). So please give me until I get back from work, later tonight.
I had a wonderful time at Night of Writing Dangerously. I got zero words written, but about 40 selfies. ^_^ (Check them all out on Instagram).

8 comments on “Late

  1. Aww, Errol is human. Who would’ve thought? Normally I wouldn’t necessarily notice a LACK of something like this, but it always shows up in my feed right next to the D&E comic. At least you told us it was late and didn’t leave us to wonder and start to pester you incessantly. Do what you gotta do!

    1. So you noticed. I was hoping people wouldn’t. ^_^ I didn’t publish this post out to Twitter or FB, so hopefully people haven’t noticed!
      Except for Sierra, who probably has it in a tab. And Felicia. Who checks at 1pm every day. At least, that’s what they tell me. ^_^

      1. Well, sorry to say but I woke up to hear my sister telling me that NaNoToons isn’t up yet but Errol has a no face mask on his Instagram. Of course that opened my eyes instantly

  2. For the first time in awhile, I failed myself. I’m not doing NaNo this year. *sigh* But I still check these every morning first thing I wake up. But because they’re always so amazing, I forgive you. Heck, I’ll always forgive you. 🙂

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