Errol: This is Friday Errol posting for Sunday. If all is good, I should be at the overnight writing session now. I bet I’m tired. Hope you’re doing ok, future Errol!
Debbie: I’m wishing future (now past??) Errol luck as well. Only FIVE MORE DAYS left in NaNoWriMo! How is everyone doing with their novels?
Actually, knowing Tim, shortening his username probably eliminated about three lines from his novel.
And I think it’s beautiful that Ed is whining about “you young folk” when he’s obviously much more immature than Fran.
And what *does* Victoria see in Dave? I definitely remember him being *just* as annoying as Ed his first NaNo. ;P
Ed I can get a handle on – someone with a big front (hence his shades) and insecurities bigger than he is (yes, more than one insecurity going on with Ed). Cut down on the front and I see too much of myself in that person. Fran I’ve never liked, as she seems (to me) to act more like a device than a real person – she seems to do whatever the plot needs to have done too readily to hold a steady persona.
As for Victoria seeing stuff in Dave, remember that they’re a year-round item. We just see them from October to the start of December, when Victoria enters NaNoWriMoWorld and Dave has to figure out how to last the month without her.
Heh, funny thing is, Fran is one of the new people loosely based on a real person.
I dunno what Vic sees in Dave. Maybe underneath the bravado is something sweet!
Estrangelo — HHAHAHA! Love that line about shortening his username.
Tim is pretty much channeling how I feel about my novel right now D: Must. Write. All. Of. The. Days!
Stay On Target!
Good luck with your novel, firelord!
Awwwwww poor Tim.
Tim’s not going to give up, though…
Oh my goodness, we actually get to see Ed’s eyes in this comic?!
Lol, Victoria “Vicky” and Dave are so cute.
LOL re: Ed’s eyes.
Glad you’re enjoying the comic, Abbi!
Ooh, overnight writing session! Goodness, all these things sound awesome. I seriously need to find some others doing NaNo in my so-called “Real Life”…
You do! Search them out!
I could never handle an overnight writing session. Errol is CRAZY.
Actually, I almost ended up writing something else in that last comment but realized that Errol and I could use it in an upcoming comic.
It would be fun!!!
Crazy? Sure. But aren’t we all…
This might be one of those things I think “it might happen maybe someday perhaps when I’m twenty” and try to tell myself twenty isn’t that far away. Then I believe myself and start freaking out on how close it is.
On searching them out…I don’t know how I’d do that, I’ll just have to think of a way. It seems pretty impossible, actually, but I can always try to try! xD
Poor Tim!!!! He can do it!
I’m cheering for Tim, too! At this point, Errol and I haven’t decided whether Tim should succeed or not. What do you think?
I think he should definitely succeed. It’s one of the hard parts about after NaNo. The post NaNo forum is usually buzzing about what should be done with the book when it’s complete. Can Tim actually break the novel down into a trilogy? I’m sure Ed and Fran can help him with that part, especially since Fran is already done with her word count. I hope he does it!!! I’m rooting for him!
I wish I could do NaNo with other real life people because it looks like so much fun, but nobody in England that I’ve encountered so far has even heard of NaNo, and the chances of finding somebody who isn’t way older than me, is one in a million, given how young I am. All the friends I already have think I’m crazy for even doing NaNo, let alone doing it with me. So I’ll just have to do it all alone Oh well, I still think I might win though
Have you gone on the forums for your region? There was someone from South London in my Camp Nano cabin this summer, and I know there are plenty of other people in England doing Nano.
Another Brit doing NaNo here (Milton Keynes), just go for it.
There are so many young people doing Nano in our region! They’re there somewhere!
Potterhead — the others are right – go for it anyway! And there are always people in the forums to commiserate with….
Same here! I live in Nebraska, and my region is “Nebraska: Elsewhere.” I managed to convince about five people in late October, but three never started, one got really behind 19k, and then just gave up, and the last one was an overachiever and hit 64k! But I really wanted to have a decently sized write in….
I had a total Tim moment during a word war- my opponent is like “560 words!” and I’m just like “My Internet died on me.” D:
11,667 more words, and I’ll be back on track! MUSTWRITEMUSTWRITEMUSTWRITE
Yes! I totally want to see an overnight writing session with this group! Feeling so bad for Tim, but I have faith in him.
Kate, so you think Tim should make it? Errol and I are taking votes.
I think Tim should make it, but just barely. The EXACT number of words.
Yes, I think he should.
Tim has a long way to go. My novel is almost at 50,000- just 2,000 left- BUT… that doesn’t mean the novel is any where close to done. I will have to make sure to get it done in time for ABNA 2013
Poor Tim! I guess shortening a pen name is a start.
My novel right now is sitting at about 62k, so I’m almost there to my 75k goal! Just gotta stay focused…
Lol! Tim should try throwing his novel into the cage of dogs at Petsmart. All of the pages left after they chew on it, he keeps. I’m behind on NaNo (sadly) and am currently stuck for ideas. *sigh* I’ll probably just throw in a dinosaur dream that I’ll take out after November.