2012 – November #16

Errol: Stay on target, Tim. Stay on target. 🙂

Debbie: Keep the faith, Tim! 99.999% of people who have started the submission process have been there. Rejection’s part of the job.

15 comments on “2012 – November #16

  1. Aww, Tim! That’s alright, at least you sent it out. Listen to Victoria. It’s still good. 🙂 Fun one!

  2. Ha! I pretty much got one of those yesterday (not in so many words, but let’s say we’re not on the same wavelength, me and this editor!). Great timing! Nice to know I’m not the only one who gets embarrassed.

  3. The solution is to submit more manuscripts to more agents and publishers, that way although the rejections keep coming there’s always something [possibly positive] on the horizon.

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