This is why I write at home, away from prying eyes. I know how to smarten up my grammar and my spelling is okay but in the first draft and especially when I’m writing so much so fast, it’s barely legible. 😀
And that’s the joy of NaNoWriMo, Georgina — plowing ahead through those 50k words and knowing you don’t have to show it to anyone. Good luck with the novel!
Not going to link to Debs & Errol comic 472 to explain the mouseover text?
Ok, now I’m going to have to catch up on the Debs & Errol comics…
*laugh* That’s a great idea. 😀
oh my gosh that’s epic!!
Poor Ed. 🙂
How’s your novel going, Sweepea? (and I love your username :-D)
quite well 🙂
Fran makes me laugh. 😀
Ugh, don’t get me started on grammar. I am absolutely terrible at knowing where to put commas, but I shall embrace the suck! ^.^
“embrace the suck” — LOL!!!!
And, I still, fight, my, comma, addiction… 😀
Me too… especially when “and” is involved…
But your fantastic comics and videos and general awesomeness all make up for it! ^.^
*laugh* Thanks. I do need an editor though… one day!
WOW! Now I know what to do with my laptops during write-in… Errol! ^_^
Heh…that’s why I put a password lock on my laptop. 😀
Good gracious how do you put up with Errol?! lol!
Oh, I never go on Debbie Ohi’s laptop! Heck, I didn’t even know she had one…
lol, well, this century I would expect that majority of the wrimos have a laptop or some type of electronic tablet.
I mostly see her draw on her ipad! 😀
It’s also why I don’t sleep at Over night writing sessions… 😀
I have to admit, I wasn’t expecting his novel to be what they find on his laptop 😉 Great comics! 😀
Thanks, OB!
I’m scared to ask what you were expecting. 😀
This is why I write at home, away from prying eyes. I know how to smarten up my grammar and my spelling is okay but in the first draft and especially when I’m writing so much so fast, it’s barely legible. 😀
And that’s the joy of NaNoWriMo, Georgina — plowing ahead through those 50k words and knowing you don’t have to show it to anyone. Good luck with the novel!
One day you can make it available on the internet! 😀 I think people haven’t really bothered to read my novel…
XD if people had grabbed my computer during our local short write-ins they would think I was writing in code.
LOL, Amanda!
That reminds me, once I was going to write a text adventure as my novel. I don’t think that worked out… but I think I will next year.. 😀
I kind of noticed, actually. XD I’m a bit of a grammar Nazi.
Heh…many writers are, Aeliss 😀
Oooh, I should ask for your grammar fixes… 😀
Fran is awesome. I’d grab people’s laptops too.
*laugh* Yes… Fran makes me laugh!