Errol: I’ve been reading a lot of reports on people hitting 50k! Huzzah, congrats! And even if you haven’t, you’re still doing great! 😀
Debbie: Heh…and if you’ve fallen waaaay behind in NaNoWrimo, don’t give up on your novel!! There’s always the 250, 500 and 1000 words/day challenge. 🙂 Good luck with your writing, everyone!
I may have to take a page out of Ed’s book… Only 38k for me so far, but I am determined to win!
I loved Schoolhouse Rock! I haven’t listened to it in a while, but I still remember a lot of the songs. And silly Ed, cheating at NaNo. Somehow, I’m not surprised.
Poor Ed, I still feel sorry for him. mebbe he could find someone else he likes?
this was funny though. hehe
I started writing again. I now have 37.4k *nods* still far from 50k, but at least the story’s still moving.
I have to keep going because there’s another little story that desperately wants my attention and I can’t let it drag me away! (Um… well.. i have been letting it take over time i could have been noveling.. guilty look) so different… anyways, I changed my word goal down so i’m officially a ‘winner’ now!!!! I just need to finish so i can get those free copies of my book in june!!! 😀
Congrats to all the other winners!
Lol, Ed really got back at Vicky, I mean *cough* Victoria *cough*, there at the end.
And now you got that interjections song stuck in my head. I remember watching those songs on DVD during long car rides as a little kid. 😛
And, to add to this already long comment, I succeeded in an insane (at least for me) goal of writing 5k in one day! 😀 So close to 75k now!
I feel like this is my next course of action. good thing i live on a college campus ! 😀
All’s fair in NaNoWriMo. I love it!
All Fair in NaNoWriMo! I need to use that!
All’s fair in love and war. And in Ed’s case, it’s a bit of both
I’m going for 100k this year, and I’m 5k off from it. Good luck to everybody, no matter what your goal is!
I’m at 32,000 and still trying to get to 50k! 4k a day, 4k a day. It’s good because not even a week ago I was at 13k. 😀
Huzzah! Stay on target! 😀
Hah, I did something awful like this today too… I hit 50k while at school, and I was all happy until I remembered that my friend had hit 50,000 the night before. So I vowed to beat her by getting to 50,500, but I had no idea what to write. So my other friend joked, “Write a dream sequence!” and we both laughed about how ridiculous an idea that was.
And then I turned around and gave my character a flashback of a dream sequence that involved nothing more than him taking a few steps and looking at stars, and gave him a major defining character moment, all in the last 500 words of my novel.
All’s fair in NaNoWriMo.
(That would make a totally awesome book title…)
I don’t think it’s that awful! I write backstory and character profiles if I need more words.
2016 words! Wooo!
(Im a very slow writer but its good practice.)
I want to be a writer when Im old enough to sign a contract. Imagine living like you do in november all the time…
AAAAAAHHHH!!! Nervous! But seriously it would be awesome. (Mt. Dew every 2 hours.)
Sugar every two hours would kill me. Well, not me, the people who had to put up with me would kill me. 😀
I’m new to nanowrimo, and I’m only at 19327, but I’m aiming to 20,500 at least.
Awesome! Keep going!
Huzzah! You’re doing great, Kate! And welcome to Nanowrimo! 😀 I hope you had fun your first time!
Currently sitting on 63.5k, a little off the pace for making 75k by the end of the month, but I remain hopeful.
Stay on Target, MP! 😀 How are you doing now? 😀
*hums the interjection song* I’m going to have that in my head all NaNo, aren’t I? One of my characters will probably start singing it. 😀
Huzzah! You know! 😀